Changing Generations, Changing Consumers and Transformation of Advertising Narrative

Changing Generations, Changing Consumers and Transformation of Advertising Narrative

Elif Ulker-Demirel
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9790-2.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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Socio-economic, political, and socio-cultural changes that occur in specific periods over the years cause changes in social dynamics and social transformations. Generations, who are living in the same historical period and are expected to have similar consumption and lifestyle habits, are now a reference point for the companies and brands to correctly identify target consumers and choose the right communication tools. At this point, the changing technology has influenced the social structure, people and the way companies do business. Besides, the development and diversification of the means of communication by the influence of the internet technologies have caused the differentiation of the consumption behaviors and changed the connections and the ways of reaching the information. In the frame of these changes, the primary purpose is to examine consumption habits in the context of changing lifestyles and priorities of people with the effect of social transformations, as well as to explain the transformation of these changes regarding businesses, brands and communication tools.
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The Silent Generation (1925-1945)

One of the statements used to describe this generation which includes people born between 1925-1945 is the “War Generation.” The impact of the destruction and loss of World War II, and the economic crisis of 24 October 1929 (Black Thursday) and after that Great Depression were the most important historical events that were highly influential on this generation. It is a generation with few people because many men were at war at that time, and the absence and economic depression affected birth rates.

In the literature, they are also called Traditionalists, Adaptive Generation, War Generation, Matures, Pre-Baby Boomers, Depression Generation, and the Swing Generation. It is the oldest generation of our time, and the majority of them are retired.

When we examine the personality structure of people born in this period, they are mostly more conservative, more traditional, more patriotic and more enclosed generation. It is a generation where family and family values are essential in establishing a family by marrying at an early age (Timmermann, 2007: 26). In this generation, usually men work, while women care for the home and children.

When the consumption habits of this generation are examined, they usually avoid unnecessary spending. It is possible to say that the Economic Depression affected their personalities and the form of their buying behavior. Most did not change jobs, they worked for years in the same company. Because they are loyal, trust is essential for this generation of individuals. They are hardworking, respectful and responsible. They are consistent and often resist change.

They avoid spending unnecessary money because they are a thrifty generation. Asset management and wealth transfer are important to them (Williams, Page, Petrosky & Hernandez, 2010: 6). Health care needs have increased because of their age. Therefore, this generation constitutes the target audience of institutions such as nursing homes, physical therapy, and eye health. This generation is also a major market for upscale children’s furniture, toys, and clothing because they have grandchildren (Williams & Page, 2011: 40).

Key Terms in this Chapter

The Silent Generation: The Silent Generation is a cohort that includes people who were born between 1925 and 1945. It is also called “war generation” due to World War II. It is the period of destruction and absence.

Generations: It is a group of people who were born in and live in the same period of time.

Alpha Generation: The Z generation is the people born between 1995 and 2009. Generation Z is the latest generation that predicted to be technologically the most advanced users.

Generation X: Generation X consists of children of the baby boomers. They are the people who were born between 1964 and 1979 and lived the period with economic difficulties.

Generation Z: The Z generation is people born between 1995 and 2009, as the first generation who were born in a digital era.

Generation Y: Generation Y consists of people who are educated, self-confident and early-adopters of new technologies. They are the people who were born between 1980 and 1994 and have strong purchasing power.

Baby Boomers: The Baby Boomers are one of the efficient generations in world history. It is the cohort that includes the people who born between 1946 and 1964.

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