Can Technology Contribute to Physical Activity?: A Case for Utilizing Technology in PE Instruction

Can Technology Contribute to Physical Activity?: A Case for Utilizing Technology in PE Instruction

Crystal Gajkowski
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5478-7.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
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Physical activity has been recognized for its relationship to positive fitness, improved cognitive functions, and higher academic outcomes. Since technology is the driving force behind innovation in the classroom, this chapter promotes technology as an effective standard practice to enhance physical education learning. The author offers a comprehensive compilation of current research to establish the relationship and the importance of technology-related learning outcomes and barriers that affect the use of technology in a physical education classroom. This chapter also serves as a foundational guide of best practices for technology-related pedagogy, fundamental knowledge, and skills for pre-service candidates and in-service health and physical education teachers to utilize technology as a tool to encourage students to enjoy physical activity for a lifetime.
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As the role of technology in society advances, the interest in technology in the field of education has grown exponentially. In general education classrooms, educational technology has been proven to enrich content delivery and enhance student learning. Yet, physical education teachers resist and have only used basic technology such as pedometers, heart rate monitors, and other physical activity trackers (Wyant & Baek, 2018). The uses of such devices are for simple tracking methods and nothing more. However, research has proven that these devices can do so much more, including being used as a cognitive tool for understanding concepts, an evaluation tool for assessing student learning, a motivational tool for active goal setting, and a collaboration tool for students, families, and teachers. Yet, why the resistance?

For most physical education teachers, the idea of physical education is seen as the one time during the school day that students can disconnect and be physically active. It is safe to say that many physical education teachers continue the long-standing debate on technology in physical education. They believe that adding technology to the physical education classroom would be counterproductive to the sole purpose of the subject (Baek et al., 2018a). However, with additional resources and financial allocation, the prioritization of classroom technology has intensified.

As visionaries, in 2017, the U.S. Department of Education affirmed that technology is an educational tool that will not only enhance learning but will promote relationships between teachers and students, peer collaboration, and will narrow the equity and knowledge gaps by meeting the needs of all learners (U.S. Department of Education, 2017). This concept makes us question our system of instruction and provides a different thought of how it should be delivered.

Key Terms in this Chapter

TPACK Framework: A technology integration framework connecting technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge for successful educational technology integration.

Technology-Related Learning Experiences: Planned educational experiences that use technology to enhance the overall learning experience.

National Standards and Grade Level Outcomes: Guidelines for physical education teachers to identify what a student should know and be able to do as a result of a highly effective physical education program.

Physical Education Teacher: A certified professional who instructs students on sports, health, and fitness skills and provides students opportunities to be physically active to practice the skills to gain confidence to be physically active for a lifetime.

Physical Activity: Any movement produced by the body resulting in energy expenditure. This includes all movement during exercise, sport, or leisure activities.

Physical Education: A sequential standard-based skills class taught by a certified physical education teacher that provides physical activity opportunities to apply motor and social skills.

Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE): A academic program designed to develop pre-service teacher candidates into content competent physical education teachers.

Shape America: Serves as the national leader of health and physical education. Establishes the National Standards for K-12 Physical Education for well-designed physical education programs.

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