Artificial Intelligence-Supported Travel Agencies: Analysis of ChatGPT Usage and Future Perspectives

Artificial Intelligence-Supported Travel Agencies: Analysis of ChatGPT Usage and Future Perspectives

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 27
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1239-1.ch004
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This research aims to determine the use of ChatGPT in travel agencies. Another aim is to make inferences about the potential effects and use of ChatGPT in the future. The potential of ChatGPT to offer convenience and time-saving benefits to travel agencies is highlighted, particularly in the context of tour preparation and content generation. Integrating ChatGPT into the workflow of travel agencies is seen as a means to enhance customer satisfaction. ChatGPT will likely have a positive impact on customer satisfaction. The ability to swiftly and effectively access information, along with the potential to deliver more in-depth and precise data to customers, is identified as key contributors to increased satisfaction. It is thought that ChatGPT can encourage customers to create their own travel plans by providing more information on their travels and may lead them to travel without an agent.
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Artificial intelligence applications, or chatbots, are used in various ways in different sectors (Ali, 2023). ChatGPT, one of these applications, is positioned ahead of previous artificial intelligence applications with its impact (Ray, 2023). The fact that it fulfills various task definitions with mutual conversation differentiates ChatGPT from other artificial intelligence-supported applications (Chen et al., 2023). For this reason, ChatGPT is known as the application that has been popular and has attracted attention in artificial intelligence for the last two years. (Mich & Garigliano, 2023). ChatGPT is a chat agent functional language model developed under the direction of OPENAI (OpenAI, 2023).

ChatGPT offers customized suggestions for customers' preferences in different sectors and assists marketing efforts by concluding their preferences (Paul et al., 2023). ChatGPT can be utilized to develop new products and processes (Carvalho & Ivanov, 2023). ChatGPT is a tool that can creatively solve problems in individuals' daily lives (Korzynski et al., 2023). The fact that these positive contributions are realized at any time of the day in line with the wishes of individuals and the availability of a free version makes ChatGPT even more preferable (Chui et al., 2022; Keiper, 2023). The use of ChatGPT in various business, education, and management areas is increasing due to its contribution and ease of use (Kasneci et al., 2023). The tourism sector is suitable for ChatGPT (Dwivedi et al., 2023a).

Artificial intelligence (applications such as ChatGPT) is an essential resource in realizing the digital transformation of the tourism sector (Demir & Demir, 2015). Although artificial intelligence-supported ChatGPT is in its infancy in the tourism sector (Dwivedi et al., 2023b), significant advantages can be achieved in the tourism sector using ChatGPT (Wong et al., 2023). The main contributions of ChatGPT to the tourism sector are expressed in terms of destinations, businesses, and tourists (Gursoy et al., 2023). Some of the prominent contributions of ChatGPT are identifying new market areas for destinations and creating promotional activities for emerging destinations (Mich & Garigliano, 2023), providing support to the management and human resources of hotels (Carvalho & Ivanov, 2023), and providing travel and activity suggestions based on tourists' wishes (Fusté-Forné & Orea-Giner, 2023).

It is seen that ChatGPT is effective in providing services in the tourism sector in a more efficient and personalized manner to the wishes of the customers (Demir & Demir, 2023a). Additionally, ChatGPT is an invaluable resource for tourism businesses to draw conclusions about current and future trends and develop strategies. Travel agencies are part of these businesses. However, research on the use and effects of ChatGPT in travel agencies is limited (Demir & Demir, 2023b).

Key Terms in this Chapter

ChatGPT: A chatbot based on artificial intelligence.

Travel Agency: A business that sells its services of different contents to tourists.

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