Addressing Copyright Challenges in the Travel and Tourism Sector: Implications for Digital Media and Intellectual Property

Addressing Copyright Challenges in the Travel and Tourism Sector: Implications for Digital Media and Intellectual Property

Ruchika Kulshrestha, Kunal Seth, Subir Kumar Malakar
Copyright: © 2025 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4171-1.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Digital media is being used in travel and tourist promotion. Social media influences 43% of travel decisions. This research effectively addresses the copyright issue for digital media in the UK tour and travel business. According to the study, the tourism business can face copyright conflicts over unlicensed pictures, celebrity images, and architectural copyrights.The study examined tourism businesses' copyright compliance issues. The impact of copyright rules on digital media in tourism marketing was also examined. According to studies, unlawful access to digital content can breach copyright and damage a tourism business's brand. However, the policy structure must evolve and require watermarking to protect digital content. In the digital era, copyright laws are ineffective and inapplicable.
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