A Multifaceted Approach to Linguistic and Cultural Inclusion for Migrants and Refugees in Europe

A Multifaceted Approach to Linguistic and Cultural Inclusion for Migrants and Refugees in Europe

Gorka Roman
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2057-0.ch021
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In today's globalized world, this chapter explores how European societies navigate the complexities of ethnolinguistic inclusion amidst cultural shifts. It examines challenges to traditional identity and language, highlighting efforts to revitalize minority languages like in the Basque Country. While linguistic hybridization fosters creativity and communication, it also threatens traditional languages. Multilingual education emerges as crucial for preserving linguistic diversity. The chapter compiles 14 best practices from across Europe, offering insights for inclusive educational and language inclusion initiatives.
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Globalization, Diversity, And Linguistic Hybridization

Globalization is a dynamic and encompassing phenomenon that reflects intense interdependence among nations, affecting economic, technological, political, social, and cultural aspects (Roudometof, 2015). It signifies not only the integration of local economies into a global market but also the significant impact on legal systems, necessitating standardized procedures to enhance legal certainty and competitive conditions worldwide (Katsui & Chalklen, 2023). Culturally, globalization fosters an interplay between local and global cultures, a process viewed variably as Western assimilation or multicultural integration (Ashcroft et al., 2006).

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