Australian Education Index

Australian Education Index

Visit the Australian Education Index website to learn more.
IGI Global books are found in a number of prestigious indices, including Web of Science, Scopus, and Ei Compendex. Selection criteria is based on the amount of highly cited content found in the book, as well as its practical relevance and contribution to the field of research. IGI Global's indexing efforts facilitate the continued dissemination of our high-quality research publications.

Books Indexed in Australian Education Index

Cases on Cultural Implications and Considerations in Online Learning Show 5 Indices | View Book
Cases on Formal and Informal E-Learning Environments: Opportunities and Practices Show 3 Indices | View Book
Cases on Globalized and Culturally Appropriate E-Learning: Challenges and Solutions Show 4 Indices | View Book
Digital Simulations for Improving Education: Learning Through Artificial Teaching Environments Show 2 Indices | View Book
Disrupting Pedagogies in the Knowledge Society: Countering Conservative Norms with Creative Approaches Show 3 Indices | View Book
E-Commerce in Regional Small to Medium Enterprises Show 2 Indices | View Book
Enhancing E-Learning with Media-Rich Content and Interactions Show 3 Indices | View Book
Ethical Practices and Implications in Distance Learning Show 5 Indices | View Book
Global Challenges and Perspectives in Blended and Distance Learning Show 5 Indices | View Book
Handbook of Research on Transnational Higher Education Show 6 Indices | View Book
Organizational Applications of Business Intelligence Management: Emerging Trends Show 1 Indice | View Book
Teacher Education Programs and Online Learning Tools: Innovations in Teacher Preparation Show 3 Indices | View Book
Virtual Professional Development and Informal Learning via Social Networks Show 6 Indices | View Book
Web 2.0-Based E-Learning: Applying Social Informatics for Tertiary Teaching Show 4 Indices | View Book