Innovative Educational Frameworks for Future Skills and Competencies

Innovative Educational Frameworks for Future Skills and Competencies

Pages: 300
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-7555-6
ISBN13: 9798369375556|ISBN13 Softcover: 9798369375563|EISBN13: 9798369375570
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Description & Coverage

The book "Future-Proofing Education: Advancing Skills and Competencies through Pedagogical and Technological Innovations in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" aims to explore the evolving landscape of education in the context of rapid technological advancements and the growing influence of artificial intelligence. It examines the educational frameworks, pedagogical strategies, and technological tools that are essential for developing future skills and competencies. The book delves into innovative teaching methods, curriculum design, and professional training programs that can equip learners with the necessary skills to thrive in an AI-driven world. By presenting a comprehensive analysis of both theoretical and practical aspects, the book provides valuable insights into how education systems can adapt to meet the demands of the future.

Impact on the Research Community:

This publication is set to make a significant impact on the research community by serving as a foundational resource for educators, researchers, and policymakers interested in the intersection of education, technology, and future workforce skills. The book will:

Advance Knowledge: It will contribute to the academic discourse on educational innovation by presenting cutting-edge research and case studies on the integration of AI and other advanced technologies in educational settings.

Stimulate Research: By highlighting the latest pedagogical and technological innovations, the book will inspire new research directions and interdisciplinary studies focused on future skills development and educational frameworks.

Foster Collaboration: The book's multidisciplinary approach will encourage collaboration among educators, technologists, policymakers, and industry leaders, fostering a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities in future-proofing education.

Influence Policy and Practice: Policymakers and educational leaders will benefit from the insights provided, which can inform the development of policies and strategies to effectively integrate AI and other technologies into educational systems, enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of education.


The intended audience for this book includes a diverse range of professionals and scholars, such as:

Educators and Academic Researchers: Teachers, professors, and researchers in the fields of education, curriculum development, and educational technology will find the book's comprehensive analysis and innovative approaches valuable for their work.

Policymakers and Educational Leaders: Decision-makers involved in shaping educational policies and strategies will gain practical insights into how to effectively integrate advanced technologies and develop future-ready curricula.

Technology Developers and EdTech Professionals: Individuals working in the educational technology sector will benefit from understanding the pedagogical frameworks and innovative practices that can be supported by AI and other technologies.

Students and Lifelong Learners: Graduate and undergraduate students in education and related fields, as well as lifelong learners interested in staying ahead of educational trends, will find the book an essential resource for understanding the future of education.

Corporate Trainers and Professional Development Experts: Professionals involved in corporate training and workforce development will gain insights into effective methods for developing future skills and competencies in the workplace.

Meeting Audience Expectations:

"Future-Proofing Education" is designed to meet the needs of its diverse audience by providing a balanced blend of theoretical insights and practical applications. For educators and academic researchers, the book offers a rich source of data, case studies, and analyses that can serve as a foundation for further research and teaching. Policymakers and educational leaders will find actionable recommendations and strategies for integrating AI and other technologies into educational systems. Technology developers and EdTech professionals will gain a comprehensive understanding of the pedagogical frameworks and innovative practices that can drive their product development. Students and lifelong learners will benefit from accessible and informative content that enhances their academic learning and prepares them for future careers. Corporate trainers and professional development experts will gain practical guidance on developing effective training programs that equip learners with the skills needed for success in an AI-driven world.


By addressing the interests and needs of this wide-ranging audience, "Future-Proofing Education" aims to become a pivotal reference in the ongoing discourse on educational innovation, contributing to the development of effective, relevant, and future-ready educational systems.

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Editor/Author Biographies
Dr Tahani I. Aldosemani is an associate professor of Educational Technology at Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University and a former vice dean of Information Technology and Distance Education at the same university. She has a PhD in Educational Technology from the University of Wyoming, USA, and she is a member of multiple international educational technology associations. Dr Tahani has received several international awards and recognitions in E-learning and educational research and has multiple publications in Educational Technology topics and issues. She implemented many successful initiatives in education presented at different conferences and, seminars, and workshops. She worked as a Senior Consultant at the Saudi Ministry of Education and served as Co-chair for the G20 2020 Education group. Dr.Tahani is currently a senior consultant for Education and Training Evaluation Commission for the National Skills Projects.
Dr Miltiadis Lytras is a world-class expert in the fields of cognitive computing, information systems, digital transformation and smart cities, computers in human behavior, and knowledge management. He is an expert in advanced computer science and management, editor, lecturer, and research consultant, with extensive experience in academia and the business sector in Europe and Asia. He served as the Editor in Chief of the International Journal in Semantic Web and Information Systems. He has co-edited more than 110 high impact factor special issues in ISI/Scopus indexed journals and co-Edited/Authored more than 80 books in international publishers including Elsevier, Emerald, IGI-Global, Springer, etc. Dr Lytras has co-authored more than 120 high impact factor papers in Q1 and Q2, Web of Science and Scopus indexed Journals such as: ; Future Generation Computer Systems; Journal of Business Research; International Journal of Information Management; Journal of Innovation and Knowledge; Technological forecasting and Social Change, Computers in Human Behavior; Studies in Higher Education; Telematics and Informatics; Information Systems Management, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering; IEEE Internet Computing; IEEE Transactions on Education; IEEE Access Journal of Ambient Technology and Humanized Computing; World Wide Web Journal;; IJ of Engineering Education; Journal of Universal Computer Science; Journal of Knowledge Management; British Journal on Education Technology; Interactive Learning Environment; Educational Technology and Society; Behavior and Information Technology, etc. Dr. Lytras has a 25 years’ experience on Research and Development projects and grants with significant skills and competencies to the successful conceptualization, financing and implementation of R&D projects with extensive experience in Europe, Middle East, and Far East. He has involved in more than 70 R&D projects overtime.
Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos is a professor in the Department of Business Administration in the Faculty of Business and Economics at The University of Oviedo, Spain. She completed her education in The London School of Economics, UK. Her teaching and research interests focus on the areas of strategic management, knowledge management, organizational learning, intellectual capital and information technologies, with special interest in Asia (Bhutan, China, Laos, Myanmar). She is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital (IJLIC) and International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), respectively. She has edited books for IGI Global, Elsevier, Routledge, and Springer. In 2021, 2022 and 2023, she earned placement on Stanford University’s “Ranking of the World Scientists: World’s Top 2% Scientists” list. Additionally she is listed in World Top Scientists of in the Areas of Social Science and Humanities in Spain.
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