The Influence of the Sports Events Industry on Sichuan's Economic Growth

The Influence of the Sports Events Industry on Sichuan's Economic Growth

Ren Sun, Yong Zhong, Annika Otto
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/IJKM.356390
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The sports industry occupies an important position in China's national economy, and the sports event industry is its core industry, and its role in regional economic development has received more and more attention from all parties. This paper takes Sichuan Province as an example to discuss the role of sports events in regional development. Firstly, it is a theoretical overview. This paper explores the mechanism of its economic effect from four perspectives: economic growth, industrial structure, regional agglomeration and city brand. Second is the case study. Through the grey correlation analysis of the relationship between sports and tourism industry, using the exponential smoothing method and ARMA method, and establishing a multi-indicator model, it is concluded that sports and tourism industry have the highest correlation and play a positive role in promoting regional development.
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Literature Review

Sports is a social and cultural movement and leaves a mark on human society (Bühren & Wicker, 2024). Sports attracts huge social and economic investment, which promotes its development. It can also serve to achieve social and economic benefits (Glebova et al., 2024). It can be said that sports involves all aspects of society and economy, but the economic benefits it brings are of concern to some people. Some scholars believe that sports activities have become an important standard to measure the success of a sport (Sant et al., 2024). Holding sporting events will enhance the image and popularity of a region and promote its economic development (Huang et al., 2024). The influence of sports may be felt in a city and even a whole country (Handayani et al., 2024). In the process of shaping the image of a new city and accelerating its construction and transformation, sports plays an important role in promoting the economic development of the host region (Aswar et al., 024).

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