Software Development for Educational Information Services Using Multilayering Semantics Adaptation

Software Development for Educational Information Services Using Multilayering Semantics Adaptation

Meennapa Rukhiran, Somchai Buaroong, Paniti Netinant
DOI: 10.4018/IJSSMET.307153
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Electronic information services are robust platforms that impact daily life and facilitate new research. Increasing software modularity and reusability saves time and money. Numerous designs and programming are challenging when developing a complex educational information system. This article proposes a new paradigm of multi-dimensional information layers, aspects, functional data, and composition rules in software development to create practical educational information platforms. The proposed approach uses aspect orientation throughout educational information's software development life cycle, from planning to implementation and evaluation. Finally, the authors demonstrate and evaluate the design model's modularity and adaptation through fine-granularity design and class reuse. The result reduces invasive changes, promotes modularity and reuse, and eliminates duplication in component-based software design.
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The digital transformation principle has become critical in organizing and managing university systems. The collection, processing, and dissemination of educational data are enabled by complex new data infrastructures (Williamson, 2018) that incorporate both human actors such as students, lecturers, parents, executives, and staff, as well as nonhuman actors such as departments, curriculums, and quality assurance. While software development methods have been taught at both the graduate and undergraduate levels (Wlodarski et al., 2022), the emergence of new technologies allows for the high achievement of software development challenges associated with ongoing university and business services processes (Ibrahim et al., 2022; Macias & Aguilar-Alonso, 2022; Mandal, 2022). The quality of the software is critical when developing a complex software system. Software engineering is a term that encompasses the phases of software analysis, design, development, deployment, and maintenance. Customers' expectations are considered throughout the software development process, from requirement analysis to maintenance. According to Mistrik et al. (2015), the scalability, flexibility, availability, modifiability, durability, and portability of customer views may incur significant implementation and maintenance costs. When a new requirement is requested to migrate from an existing application to a new launch application, software maintenance takes a long time to evolve (Martens et al., 2019). At times, software reusability is assumed to possess a range of quality attributes appropriate for specific projects (Almogahed & Omar, 2021; Guermah et al., 2021).

Based on personal financial information, a framework (Rukhiran & Netinant, 2020) is divided into three layers to support database tables, informative operations, and programming. Financial statements are classified into three categories: income, expense, and liability. The informative dimensions of multilayers have been adapted to support the challenge of multilayering semantics via informative education to develop a smart university's educational system. During the coronavirus 2019 pandemic, a research team used Object-Oriented Design and Programming (OODP) to develop the student admission system, overcoming numerous design and programming challenges (Abohany et al., 2020). OODP is incapable of significant component reuse (Sommerville, 2014) and does not improve the internal design of a system (Malta & de Oliveira Valente, 2009). Because a single class contains numerous details and specifications, object orientation may be incompatible with effective reuse and invasive changes, such as semester modifications and payment method changes. Behaviors and classes affect interaction, inheritance, and overlap. Collaboration of reusable classes has limitations (Smiari et al., 2022). Additionally, specific software components, such as student registrations, tuition payments, and discount promotions are repeated between classes and methods in an extending implementation. Numerous components may share the same functionality, and a class may inherit properties from other classes. In particular, numerous classes are generated to perform the same method repeatedly for various types of information management (Gulia et al., 2019). The sample issue conveys a series of coded software instructions, making them difficult for developers to comprehend, implement, adapt, and extend (Singh & Kumar, 2018). Finally, extending another educational information system to include student schedules, learning, and graduation may reveal that migrating from one complex and customized (non-reusable) software is impossible. For example, all classes are defined using the same methods, including defining the model class and inserting, updating, and retrieving data via function and method calls. It is impossible to circumvent the previous multidimensional layering implementation solutions by modifying and reusing the classes.

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