Measurement of Total Quality Management of Private Universities: A Quality Function Deployment Approach

Measurement of Total Quality Management of Private Universities: A Quality Function Deployment Approach

Astri Ayu Purwati, Yusrizal, Teddy Chandra, Achmad Tavip Junaedi, Muhammad Luthfi, Hamzah, Stefani Chandra
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/IJAMTR.2021010105
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This research aims to examine the TQM application in education using SERVQUAL and the quality function deployment (QFD) based on the students' perspectives. Globalization in the current technological era requires every country to be able to face increasingly fierce competition. Indonesia ranked 41st below Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore out of 137 countries in 2017-2018 Global Competitiveness Index. Quality human resources are the only choice to win the competition. TQM can be used to produce the right quality standards to produce competent and competitive graduates. This study aims to discuss how the application of TQM in education uses SERVQUAL and also the quality function deployment (QFD) based on student perspectives. The results showed that the quality of technology is one of the important elements that are highly expected by students but have not been fulfilled by the university.
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1. Introduction

Globalization in the current technological era requires every country to be able to face increasingly fierce competition. Quality human resources are the only choice to win the competition (Aryanto, et al., 2015). The government's efforts in overcoming the Human Resources problem in Indonesia are through the implementation of educational institutions able to produce competent and qualified graduates. Education quality improvement is one of the main priorities in education in Indonesia as stated in Law No. 25 of 2000 concerning the 2000-2004 National Development Program and Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System.

Table 1.
Global Competitiveness Index Ranking of Southeast Asia Countries
CountriesGlobal Competitiveness Rank 2017-20185th Pillar (Higher Education and Training) Rank 2017-2018
Lao PDR93105

Source: World Economic Forum, 2018

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