Hybrid Segmentation Prototype for Arabic Text-Based Documents: Towards Plagiarism Detection

Hybrid Segmentation Prototype for Arabic Text-Based Documents: Towards Plagiarism Detection

Sonia Alouane-Ksouri, Minyar Sassi Hidri
DOI: 10.4018/ijssmet.2015010104
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The contribution of this work relates to the field of Arabic text-based document analysis for the detection of plagiarism. This analysis will be carried out according to the triadic computation model of document similarity. The authors propose a hybrid segmentation prototype for Arabic text-based documents that links different processing steps in order to generate the similarity rate between the documents of an Arabic corpus. It involves two segmentation systems and a morphological analysis in order to obtain a matrix representation adapted to the triadic similarity computation according to three abstraction levels: documents, sentences and words.
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Particularitis Of Arabic Text

In order to clearly identify this field of application, we give a brief overview of the particularities of an Arabic text: it is read and written from right to left, it lacks vowels and punctuation, the words are characterized by agglutination and the word order in the sentence by irregularity.

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