Correlation of University Lecturer Leadership Styles, Students Satisfaction, and Learning Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Correlation of University Lecturer Leadership Styles, Students Satisfaction, and Learning Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Wenwen Cao
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/IJTEE.308468
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Online English teaching has become more important in China during the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers begin to focus on the research of university lecturers’ online leadership styles in helping improve students’ English learning. As there is a lack of systematic research and educational practices of lecturers’ online leadership styles, the need arises to study the lecturers’ leadership styles perceived by the students from an international perspective using quantitative approach. Through a correlational analysis, this study revealed that lecturers’ online leadership styles affected students’ English learning and lecturers exhibited more transactional and transformational leadership styles moderately in online learning. There was a strong correlation between lecturers’ leadership styles and students’ learning satisfaction but there was no statistically significant relationship between students’ satisfaction and learning outcomes. Further research was suggested to explore the influence of the leadership styles in other sub-disciplines of higher education in China.
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With the rapid growth of globalization and internationalization of higher education, English learning has become an integral part of education in China (Yu & Yu, 2019). Currently, due to the sudden outbreak of the global Newcastle pneumonia epidemic, more online courses have been introduced in China to answer the call of the Chinese Ministry of Education, and English language teaching is gradually shifting from offline to online teaching. However, online education brings new requirements and challenges, and online English courses also face challenges such as “passive learning,” “insufficient communication between instructors and students,” and “lack of English learning atmosphere” (Wang, 2017; Yu, 2015). Research found that the overall evaluation of online teaching effectiveness during the pandemic is average (Wang, et al., 2022). Research surveyed with questionnaires on students’ satisfaction with the conditions of online classes and online teaching; results showed that lecturers’ leadership in the learning progress through online teaching platform can be of great help (Shen et al., 2022).

Chinese English learners are usually very passive learners. Further, Chinese students are always challenged by rote learning, silence, and passivity in online English learning. Studies show that the effect of online learning is also related to lecturers’ leadership. Hence, exploring the influence of online teaching during the epidemic of coronavirus (Jiang, 2020; Wang & Zhu, 2019; Wang et al., 2022) is necessary, currently, and how to improve English lecturers’ teaching quality to enhance classroom learning is becoming increasingly important. Among them, research on lecturers’ leadership styles in improving teaching quality is in full swing. Through investigation and research, the author concludes that the main problems that lecturers back in online education is the lack of affinity, influence, communication and motivation in leadership.

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