A QFD Approach Based on Fuzzy TOPSIS to Reduce the Mental Stress of Farmers: A Case Study of Odisha

A QFD Approach Based on Fuzzy TOPSIS to Reduce the Mental Stress of Farmers: A Case Study of Odisha

Hullash Chauhan, Suchismita Satapathy, Ashok K. Sahoo
DOI: 10.4018/ijssmet.2021090110
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Framing is a hazardous, stressful occupation that can directly affect farmers' health. In accumulation, a farmer makes a large economic commitment exposing them to high levels of economic risk. Stressors among farmers may help health professionals improve health outcomes by developing targeted intervention strategies and services. Throughout the last 70 years, the agricultural sectors have changed, and it is found to be one of the latent areas for stress. On large uses of mechanization technology, more uses of organic production, there is a decrease in price of agricultural product, and new complex legislation has made the life of farmers more stressful. In this study, based on in-depth review of literature and analysis of works based on the mental work pressure and stresses over framers, the risk associated with the Indian agricultural sectors were recognized by the use of fuzzy TOPSIS method. All the identified risk-factors were ranked based on their preferences. Then, the QFD technique was used to suggest the design parameters so as to minimize the work stress on farmers.
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1. Introduction

Indian wealth depends on agricultures, where agriculture is the largest sectors. More over 70% of populations depend on farming and similar actions for its occupation. Farming is the causes of pressure between rural families. Farming consider being an lonely occupation as farmers works for long times, repeatedly work alone and in bad weather conditions. Stress may generate in physical and social condition. It can agitate the mental well being and implementation. Farmer’s faces a many of stress in their daily life for maintain their farmhouses and family members. Farmers affected by many kinds of pressure, such as economic pressure, workload pressure, and irregular climate causing crops yield losses. In distress conditions, the farmers are not able to intellect the way for survival and are not able to withdraw from the number of stress. These critical circumstances arise due to varying in environments, lack of opportunity, weathers constraint, and out-of-date agricultural practices. In investigative agricultural stress, a division is made between its intrinsic, extrinsic and occupation related dimension. While tend to relate day by day fears and acute stress with farming's inherent demand (like as diseases and unfavorable climate condition), exterior cause of tensions (like as competitions and parameter), simultaneously with uncertainties about capital and family, were related with more persistent anxiety. By distinguish, occupational aspect of farming pressure, such as lot of work issue and agricultural practice, concerned a combinations of substantial and mental pressure effect. Especially, occupational and extrinsic dimension of pressure have enlarged in current year in relation to organizational and plan shift, rise in prices, rising paperwork burden, workloads strengthening, and change in farming regulations. These have provoked a boom in the aspect of their occupation that farmer community feels ineffective to control, and signify a main area for policy involvement. The Principal (nominal) farmer display the most observable manifestation of stress, associated at one time to the inherent, extrinsic and work connect to extent their work. By gap, family farm worker and laborers repeatedly lack independence over the method they work, and occupational aspect of stress regarding workloads and association made up a bigger part of their experiences. Augmented rules and regulations demands emerge as most important causes of stress amongst interviewees. As the farmers are struggleing for stability in conventional farming priorities’. Difference among farm was also significant in illumination of stress. Livestock’s farming personified inherent pressure linking to stock crisis and the irregularity of animal, but more newly has come in deep economic pressure, prompting a validation of working practice. Mixed farmer faces the twin stresses of corresponding work activities with conflicting timetables, and the paperwork’s demand of a composite portfolio of farming. minor farm were struggled with intensify workload, while bigger enterprise had to obey with the demand of extra scrutiny regime Pressure is a typical touching reaction to unusually high demand of life. Everybody experience it; though, the result fluctuates in strength. There are many symptoms or sign of stress, when someone may require help. These sign can be seen by family member, friend, neighbor, school people, or physical condition and service workers. There are daily issue about balancing budget, family unit life, care up with development in the part, and setting up for upcoming. Social isolations and long working for an hour’s can emphasizes stress. The supplementary pressure of running a farm during a natural disaster, climatic calamity, and market fluctuation can be irresistible. Kept oneself fit to benefit from good period is very important. Eat well and healthy foods, get sufficient sleep, have usual sleep routine, keep bodily active.

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