Tareq Najeeb AlKhasawneh

Tareq Alkhasawneh is a highly experienced educator with a Ph.D. in Education, specializing in the foundation of education. He has spent many years teaching in higher education and has gained extensive knowledge in the field of school leadership and improvement. Dr. AlKhasawneh has a passion for conducting research in his area of interest and has published several papers on the subject. He is recognized for his expertise and contributions to the education community, both locally and internationally.


School Improvement in Culturally Diverse Schools: Valuable Insights of Successful Components
Rasha Khalil Abdallah, Alaa H. Aljuburi, Tareq Najeeb AlKhasawneh. © 2023. 20 pages.
The concept of school improvement is about implementing blend of well-tested processes that identifies and addresses the developmental needs of the schools. Effective school...