Tan Luck Lee

|Tan Luck Lee - Contributing Author|Mr. Tan Luck Lee is currently an independent researcher and life member of Society for Research Development (SRD). He was the ex-Senior Lecturer in Universiti Teknoklogi Mara, Cawangan Johor, Segamat, Johore. He has passion for Research and Publications.


Technology-Enhanced AgroFarm Education for Environmental Sustainability as a Transdisciplinary Approach to Learning Outcomes in Higher Institutions: Cases and Suggested Resesarch
Tan Luck Lee, Alizah Ali, Razifah Othman, Noreen Nor Abd. Aziz, Suma Parahakaran, Ricky M. Magno, Kamolrat Intaratat, Khar Thoe Ng, Masanori Fukui, Jing Hang Ng, Eng Tek Ong, Rajendra Kumar. © 2024. 21 pages.
This Chapter examines application knowledge via technology-enhanced agrofarm education as transdisciplinary approach for sustainability. Multiple case research design includes...