Swathi P.

Swathi P has 2.8 years of industry experience and a distinguished 1-year academic background enriching her expertise in teaching. A well-established authority in the fields of Marketing and Human Resource Management. Her mastery in these disciplines demonstrated through practical application.She boasts an impressive publication history, underscoring a commitment to disseminating valuable knowledge and insights within her areas of expertise.She brings a wealth of practical industry acumen and scholarly proficiency to her body of work, positioning them as an esteemed figure in Marketing and Human Resource Management. With an exemplary publication record, her research and insights are poised to make a significant impact in these professional domains.


Integrating Digital Twin Technology and Artificial Intelligence for Tomorrow's Businesses: Strategic Imperatives
Virender Kumar Dahiya, P. Swathi, K. Baskar, Mohd Akbar. © 2024. 14 pages.
The integration of digital twin (DT) technology and artificial intelligence (AI) stands as a strategic element for businesses in today's era of technological transformation....
Digital Health Records in Paving the Way for Paperless and Green Practices
Shuchi Midha, Swathi P., Vinod Kumar Shukla, Shanti Verma, Baskar K.. © 2024. 16 pages.
The transformational influence of digital health records (DHRs) on healthcare systems, with a focus on their significance in encouraging paperless and ecologically friendly...