Swapna Madhusudan Choudhary

Swapna Choudhary her Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics Engineering from RTM university Nagpur and Master in VLSI from RTM university Nagpur since 2003 and 2010 and PH. D. in Electronics Engineering from RTM,Nagpur. She has published 34 research papers in reputed International Conferences and Journals. His research interests are VLSI, Networking and Communication.


Harnessing Logistic Industries and Warehouses With Autonomous Carebot for Security and Protection: A Smart Protection Approach
Mohammad Shahnawaz Shaikh, Uday Bhanu Singh Chandrawat, Swapna Madhusudan Choudhary, Syed Ibad Ali, Sivaram Ponnusamy, Rais Abdul Hamid Khan, Akilahmad Gulamzamir Sheikh. © 2024. 19 pages.
In today's rapidly evolving world of logistics and supply chain management, the need for efficient and automated solutions has never been more pressing. Enter the smart...