Harnessing Logistic Industries and Warehouses With Autonomous Carebot for Security and Protection: A Smart Protection Approach

Harnessing Logistic Industries and Warehouses With Autonomous Carebot for Security and Protection: A Smart Protection Approach

Mohammad Shahnawaz Shaikh, Uday Bhanu Singh Chandrawat, Swapna Madhusudan Choudhary, Syed Ibad Ali, Sivaram Ponnusamy, Rais Abdul Hamid Khan, Akilahmad Gulamzamir Sheikh
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3234-4.ch017
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In today's rapidly evolving world of logistics and supply chain management, the need for efficient and automated solutions has never been more pressing. Enter the smart autonomous warehouse Carebot, a cutting-edge technology designed to revolutionize the way warehouses operate. This innovative robotics system is poised to bring unprecedented levels of productivity, safety, and efficiency to the warehouse environment. This proposed work is a prototype model exhibiting a smart surveillance system equipped with various sensors to feature the system by automatic temperature control, gas detection, moisture detection, pest repulsion, flame detection with auto guided movement with protection to obstacle and pits on the surface. The smart autonomous warehouse Carebot would be a game changer in the logistics industry, revolutionizing the way warehouses operate and enhancing overall productivity and efficiency. Integration of autonomous Carebot with machine learning will open the door of advance approach for protection and security of logistic industry business.
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