Sunil Kumar

|Sunil Kumar - Contributing Author|Dr. Sunil Kumar holds the position of Associate Professor within the Faculty of Commerce and Management. His academic journey led him to achieve a Doctorate degree, specializing in the realm of Finance and Business Analytics. His scholarly pursuits have resulted in numerous research contributions, including both solo and collaborative efforts, yielding a collection of impactful research papers. Beyond his research accolades, Dr. Sunil Kumar is a passionate educator and has conducted over 20 workshops that delve into various aspects of financial modeling, spreadsheet modeling, and data analysis. His expertise extends to a wide array of tools and programming languages, including Python, R Programming, SPSS, E-Views, Stata, and Gretl.


Fuzzy Logic-Based Monitoring of Earth Observations
Karthiga R., Saravanan V., Sunil Kumar, Rajakumar S.. © 2024. 14 pages.
Monitoring Earth observations performs a crucial role in expertise and predicting numerous phenomena, including weather trade, herbal disasters, land use adjustments, and...
Nearest-Neighbor Approaches in Earth Observation: A Comparative Analysis
Srijayanthi S., Vidyabharathi Dakshinamurthi, Sunil Kumar, Manikandan R.. © 2024. 24 pages.
The application of nearest-neighbor methods in Earth remark has been of developing interest in recent years. These methods, which involve the usage of facts factors that are...
Neuro-Inspired Algorithms for Earthquake Monitoring and Prediction
Priyanka Pramila R., Sadish Sendil Murugaraj, Sunil Kumar, Balaji S. R.. © 2024. 15 pages.
Neuro-inspired algorithms are a powerful device that can be used for earthquake monitoring and prediction. These algorithms can offer precious insights into the conduct of...