Fuzzy Logic-Based Monitoring of Earth Observations

Fuzzy Logic-Based Monitoring of Earth Observations

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1850-8.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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Monitoring Earth observations performs a crucial role in expertise and predicting numerous phenomena, including weather trade, herbal disasters, land use adjustments, and commercial pollutants. This chapter explores the use of fuzzy logic strategies for monitoring earth observations, considering its capability, blessings, and challenges. Fuzzy logic-based total decision support structures have been established to be adequate gear in monitoring earth observations. One of the key advantages of this method is its ability to deal with vague and unsure data. One of the key findings is the potential of fuzzy good judgment-based monitoring to handle and incorporate uncertainty in earth observations. Conventional monitoring methods frequently battle with uncertainties associated with sensor noise, atmospheric situations, and ambiguous class standards. Fuzzy logic-based systems, alternatively, excel in handling such uncertainties by presenting bendy and adaptive reasoning strategies.
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1. Introduction

Fuzzy good judgment-based total tracking of Earth observations is an innovative idea that has transformed the sector of environmental tracking and management. With the appearance of superior technology and the increasing availability of satellite TV for PC imagery and other Earth remark information, the want for robust analysis and interpretation of this vast quantity of information has ended up paramount. Fuzzy logic, with its potential to deal with uncertainty and imprecision in records, offers a promising solution to tackle complex environmental problems and make specific sustainable development (Qayyum et al., 2022). Earth remark records provide essential data on various environmental parameters, inclusive of land cowl, climate styles, pollution levels, and environmental health. However, these records are often characterized by uncertainty and vagueness because of elements like sensor noise, atmospheric conditions, and the inherent complexity of the Earth's structures (Kaur & Vig, 2023). Traditional monitoring techniques, based on crisp logic and binary classifications, work to deal with such uncertainties and provide correct assessments successfully.In this context, fuzzy common sense has emerged as a powerful tool that can manage and manage obscure and uncertain facts. Fuzzy common sense is a mathematical framework that permits the representation of imprecision and uncertainty by assigning levels of membership to distinctive training or categories (Tayfur, 2023). In contrast to conventional binary classifications, fuzzy logic considers the slow transition from one class to another, taking pictures of the subtle variations and nuances in the data..

1.1 Background and Significance

Monitoring Earth observations performs a crucial role in expertise and predicting numerous phenomena, including weather trade, herbal disasters, land use adjustments, and commercial pollutants. Conventional monitoring tactics frequently depend upon precise measurements and crisp information, which may be restricted in situations wherein uncertainties and imprecisions are inherent. Fuzzy common sense-primarily based tracking, on the other hand, provides an extra bendy and robust framework to analyze and interpret Earth observations (Mehta, 2022).Fuzzy good judgment is a mathematical approach that deals with uncertainty and imprecision by taking into consideration slow transitions between extraordinary values or states. It's miles especially suitable for handling complex and uncertain statistics in Earth observations, wherein measurements may be laid low with noise, errors, and incomplete statistics. Fuzzy common sense-primarily based monitoring tactics use linguistic variables and fuzzy units to symbolize and manipulate imprecise or unsure records, taking into account extra accurate and bendy analysis (Hai et al., 2022; Naikoo et al., 2023).One massive benefit of fuzzy joint sense-based total tracking is its potential to integrate multiple records, resources, and variables. Earth observations frequently involve a wide variety of statistics gathered from satellites, floor-based total sensors, and other resources. Those data may additionally have distinct degrees of accuracy, decision, and reliability(Nazirbhai & Gajjar, 2023).

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