Stella Cheta-Maclean

Stella Cheta-Maclean is a Doctoral student in the Department of Educational Management with specialization in Educational Leadership and Policy at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Stella Cheta-Maclean is committed to advancing leadership in educational practices and policies. Her research focuses on Institutional leadership practices and higher education policies.


Infrastructure Development Strategies for Empowerment and Inclusion in Public Universities
Nwachukwu Prince Ololube, Stella Cheta-Maclean, Solomon Oyenashie Ananyi. © 2024. 29 pages.
This study investigated the complexities and approaches employed to address the challenges hindering empowerment and inclusion within the educational system in Nigeria. Utilizing...
Measuring the Characteristics of Social Sins on the Quality of Institutional Leadership and Management
Prince N. Ololube, Comfort Nkongho Agbor, Stella Cheta-Maclean. © 2023. 24 pages.
Ethics, values, and morals in institutional leadership and management have eroded most Nigerian leaders as a result of the high rate of social sins—and that the ways leaders...