Seema Singh

Seema Singh got her B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) degree form Jamia Millia Islamia, a Central University, Delhi in 2002. Her M.Tech degree is in Electronics branch from Sir MVIT, Bangalore in 2007. She is Gold medalist and VTU rank holder in M.Tech degree. She is awarded the PhD degree from JNTU, Hyderabad in the year 2015 in the area of Neural Networks and Flight control systems. Currently, she is working as Professor and Head in Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, BMSIT&M. She has 17 years of teaching experience and 10 years of research experience. She has authored one book chapter, 30 publications in reputed International Journals and International/National Conferences. She has received award for guiding best project of the year from KSCST during 2015. Her research interest lies in the field of anomaly detection, neural networks, image processing, Control Systems, biomedical engineering. She has given several expert talks on Artificial Neural Networks and its Applications and chaired many sessions of conferences. Her research work is mainly dedicated to application of neural networks in varied fields with undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD scholars. She has filed a patent in 2018, which dealt with application of neural network in image processing field.


A Smart Agronomy: Deep Learning Process for Recognition and Classification Plant Leaf Diseases
Chandra Prabha Ramakrishnappa, Seema Singh. © 2024. 18 pages.
The main part of the agriculture process is the timely detection of leaf diseases to have a healthy growth. In routine implementation, the identification of diseases is realized...
Prediction of Cervical Cancer With Application of Machine Learning Models
Chandra Prabha Ramakrishnappa, Seema Singh. © 2024. 11 pages.
Cancer accounts for a large number of fatalities each year. Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the cervix. . Cervical cancer is very curable and linked to a long...
Neural Network Based Automated System for Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer
Seema Singh, V. Tejaswini, Rishya P. Murthy, Amit Mutgi. © 2020. 15 pages.
Cervical Cancer is one of the most common cancers among women worldwide. Few concerns have arisen such as the shortage of skilled pathologists leading to increase in burden on...