Savita Singh

Savita Singh is working as Assistant Professor at ABES Engineering College . With over 12 years of experience, she has established herself as a prominent figure in both academia and industry. She is MCA, and pursuing her Ph.D degree in CSE. Throughout her career, Savita has made significant contributions to the field through her research and publications. She has authored numerous papers in national /international journals and attended various FDP/Conferences.


Embracing the Current Challenges in Sustainable Waste Management in Tourism and Hospitality
Tarun Kumar Vashishth, Vikas Sharma, Sonal Agarwal, Nidhi Gupta, Savita Singh, Rajeev Sharma. © 2024. 38 pages.
The tourism and hospitality industry has been pivotal in driving economic growth and cultural exchange globally. However, this sector also significantly contributes to...