Sanghun Kim

Sanghun Kim is an Associate Professor of Instruction in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering as well as a Professional Engineer (P.E.). His research includes the application of Harmony Search Optimization with a big database to civil infrastructures like steel components, reinforced concrete components, and Fiber composite components with buildings and bridges. TMD applications to the existing structures and deep foundations for lateral vibrations due to wind and seismic loadings.


A Review of Metaheuristic-Based Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures: Multi-Objective Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Columns
Yaren Aydın, Sinan Melih Nigdeli, Gebrail Bekdaş, Sanghun Kim, Zong Woo Geem. © 2024. 36 pages.
With the increase in environmentally friendly approaches, it has been studied for the optimum design of reinforced concrete components that contain cement and steel with high CO2...