Sabina Civila

Sabina Civila FPI Predoctoral Researcher . PhD candidate in the Interuniversity Communication program (Málaga, Huelva, Sevilla y Cádiz) in the Educommunication line. Master in strategic communication and communication innovation (Malaga, Huelva, Seville and Cádiz), and Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Cádiz. Researcher at the 'Ágora' Research Group (HUM-648). Currently he focuses his research on social networks, educommunication, media literacy and Islamophobia.


Cyberbullying: Gender-Based Violence in Reverted Muslim Women
Sabina Civila. © 2024. 17 pages.
Gender-based violence in the digital environment affects women from various communities, and Muslim reverted women are no exception. According to the National Observatory of...