P. C. Sharath

Sharath P C ’s Current research interests are on additive manufacturing using SLS and FDM methods, Electro-cycle voltammetric studies, Composite material synthesis and formulation, Metal forming – Severe plastic deformation, Material characterizations – XRD, SEM, TEM, FTIR and correlation of microstructure and mechanical properties of metal. Published more than 35 research articles international journals, 12 international book and book chapters. Reviewer for many reputed international journals and received excellent reviewer award by ASM International - Journal on materials engineering and performance


Drones in Health
Dibash Bhandari, D. T. Arun Kumar, P. C. Sharath. © 2024. 28 pages.
A drone is a compact flying robot that can be designed to fly automatically as well as remotely controlled. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are drones that were first developed...
Precision Agriculture and UAV's
Arunkumar D. T., Ashutosh Pattanaik, Sharath P. C., S. Sujai. © 2024. 17 pages.
In recent days, farmers have started employing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to monitor their crops, support precision agriculture initiatives, and improve productivity....