Drones in Health

Drones in Health

Dibash Bhandari, D. T. Arun Kumar, P. C. Sharath
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2093-8.ch016
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A drone is a compact flying robot that can be designed to fly automatically as well as remotely controlled. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are drones that were first developed for military use in the early 20th century They were primarily used for functions such as target practice, surveillance, and explosives delivery. . Drones have proven invaluable in rapidly delivering critical medical supplies such as drugs, vaccines and life-saving organs to remote areas with limited access to healthcare. This capability can be used to improve the lack of access to health services, especially in remote areas, and to provide immediate assistance in emergencies and disaster relief operations. This study covers the various roles of drones in healthcare, focusing on their use in emergency situations, supporting telemedicine, delivering medical supplies and monitoring public health. Drones have played an important role in solving health care problems by providing remote consultations, improving the transportation of essential medical supplies and assisting in disaster relief.
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The healthcare terrain is going through an astonishing metamorphosis as the use of UAVs, which are drones, different from their early military aim, extends far superior. Nowadays, these smart flying objects which would be not only used for battle losses but becoming very important tools that are constantly growing to ensure the quality of the population and to get rid of the accessibility problems in the remote territories. Picture the fact that the critical drug is sent to far-flung settlements located in the densest part of the mountains leaving aside only time. Also, there is an example of delivery of a vital blood sample to a lab, which is located very far from the initial point, within a couple of minutes. This is the elevating property of drones, especially if it is looking into the problems of time pressure, geographical barriers, and resource limitations in the health section.

On the other hand, the extent of the drones' role in healthcare is yet to be explored. Ongoing research and development are needed to overcome the barriers associated with forming policies and regulations covering airspaces, fixing the problems of short autonomy, low payload capacity, and no or unsatisfactory weather resistance, and gaining public acceptance by handling hurdles like noise pollution, privacy issues, or even safety issues.

However, the possible impact of drones on healthcare is a big area that is facing conflicting issues. On the bright side, the role of drones in improving health delivery, especially in rural areas, is indeed unquestionable. Even though there are challenges such technology is improving, drones can be commonly used for medical services bringing accessible and reliable healthcare closer to the millions of people around the world.

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