Nuno Martins

Nuno Martins is PhD in Digital Media (2013) from the University of Porto, having been a doctoral fellow of the UT Austin-Portugal Program of the Foundation for Science and Technology; Master in Multimedia Art (2007) and a degree in Communication Design (2003) from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto. In 2002, during his undergraduate degree, he was a fellow of the Socrates / Erasmus Program, having studied at the Willem de Kooning Academy - Hogeschool Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. Associate Professor at the School of Design (ESD) of the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA); Director of the master's degree in Digital Design; and Coordinator of the Disciplinary Area of Communication Design. Since 2008, he lectures at IPCA in the degree courses in Graphic Design and in the Master in Digital Design. ID+ Integrated Researcher (Institute for Research in Media Design and Culture), regularly attending conferences and international scientific publications in the field of Communication Design; and Founder and Chairman by DIGICOM - International Conference on Design & Digital Communication.


Navigating COVID-19: How the Portuguese Health Authority Managed Social Media
Branco Di Fátima, Francisco Garcia, Ana Barros, Rita Espanha, Daniel Brandão, Nuno Martins. © 2024. 16 pages.
This chapter examines the activities of the official Instagram and Facebook pages of the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) in Portugal during the most critical period of the...
The Viability of Heritage Craft in a Global Marketplace: Four Case Studies in Portugal, 2019
Nuno Martins, Heitor Alvelos, Susana Barreto, Abhishek Chatterjee, Eliana Penedos-Santiago, Cláudia Lima, Sara Alexandra Silva. © 2020. 16 pages.
Portugal has a rich and diverse culture of artisanal arts and crafts, embodying significant symbolic and historical value. However, due to factors such as resource limitations...