Navigating COVID-19: How the Portuguese Health Authority Managed Social Media

Navigating COVID-19: How the Portuguese Health Authority Managed Social Media

Branco Di Fátima, Francisco Garcia, Ana Barros, Rita Espanha, Daniel Brandão, Nuno Martins
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0896-7.ch010
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This chapter examines the activities of the official Instagram and Facebook pages of the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) in Portugal during the most critical period of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. Data were collected using social media APIs via CrowdTangle, resulting in 1,841 public posts spanning from March 2, 2020 to December 27, 2020. This period covered the onset of the pandemic and the launch of the national vaccination program. Social media platforms played a crucial role during the COVID-19 pandemic. The key findings reveal Facebook had twice as many posts (n = 120) compared to Instagram (n = 64). April saw the highest post volume on Facebook (13.4%), while June was the most active month on Instagram (14.3%). Images were the dominant content format on both platforms, with 70.7% on Instagram and 80.5% on Facebook. Facebook experienced significant growth (497.0%) over 10 months while Instagram's growth was more modest (207.0%).
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During the Covid-19 pandemic, governments and health authorities worldwide confronted the singular challenge of effectively conveying the health risks associated with a lethal menace. This juncture undeniably marked a pivotal moment in modern human history, with its repercussions continuing to reverberate. Social media platforms assumed a pivotal role in the dissemination of information to the public, encompassing guidance on protective measures against the virus and utilitarian data pertaining to the national pandemic status. Furthermore, they wielded substantial influence over citizens' risk perceptions and satisfaction levels, all the while facilitating the swift exchange of information between experts and the general people.

This chapter delves into the initiatives undertaken by Portugal's Directorate-General for Health (DGS) in disseminating health-related information, especially on prominent social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, amidst the peak of the Covid-19 crisis. The extraction of data was automated through the utilization of the Application Programming Interface (API) provided by these social media platforms, with support from CrowdTangle. These messages were subsequently archived in CSV files and subjected to comprehensive analysis via the Voyant Tools software.

The sample has 1,841 public posts, covering a ten-month period from March 2, 2020, to December 27, 2020. These messages are distributed across two social media platforms: Instagram (n = 642) and Facebook (n = 1,199). This specific timeframe coincided with the most tumultuous phase of the pandemic within the country, encapsulating both the onset of the first reported Covid-19 case and the launch of the national vaccination program. By adopting this method approach, this research was able to yield valuable insights into the communication strategies employed by the DGS and the characteristics of their social media audiences.

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