Nikolaos Trihas

Nikolaos Trihas holds a PhD in e-Tourism, a Master Degree (M.Sc.) in “Tourism Planning, Administration and Policy”, and a B.Sc. in Business Administration from the University of the Aegean, Greece. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration and Tourism at the Hellenic Mediterranean University in Greece, and a tutor at the Hellenic Open University, where he lectures courses on marketing, management and tourism.


The Influence of Mobile Devices on the Travel Behavior of Millennials (Gen Y)
Nikolaos Trihas, Maria Soumala, Markos Kourgiantakis. © 2023. 20 pages.
The purpose of this chapter is to explore the use of mobile devices (i.e., smartphones, smartwatches, tablets) by Generation Y (Millennials), in the three phases of travel...
The Role of SHRM in Navigating the Hospitality Sector During a Crisis
Dimitrios Belias, Nikolaos Trihas. © 2023. 17 pages.
The hospitality sector is a fragile sector. This means that it is very fragile when a crises hits, such as political, environmental, and financial crises. The operation of hotels...
Future of Sustainable Tourism: Opportunities in Health, Sports, Alternative Tourism, and Analysis of How Sustainable Tourism Will Be Shaped Post COVID-19
Dimitrios Belias, Ioannis Rossidis, Angelos Ntalakos, Nikolaos Trihas. © 2023. 16 pages.
Tourism today is in a critical crossroad, not only due of the changes on the structure of the tourist industry where the focus has shifted from mass tourism to alternative...
The Effect of Strategic Leadership on the Integration and Success of Organizational Change
Dimitrios Belias, Ioannis Rossidis, Chris Mantas, Angelos Ntalakos, Nikolaos Trihas, Dimitrios Bakogiannis. © 2023. 22 pages.
The purpose of this chapter is to examine the effect that strategic leadership has on the integration and the successful implementation of a change plan. Overall, it was found...
Ethics in Change Management: Current Issues and Directions for Future Research in the Post-COVID-19 Era
Dimitrios Belias, Ioannis Rossidis, Angelos Ntalakos, Nikolaos Trihas, Chris Mantas, Dimitrios Bakogiannis. © 2023. 22 pages.
The purpose of this chapter is to examine the relationship between ethics and organizational management but also to indicate some contemporary issues which concern ethical change...