Nikola Jovanović

Nikola Jovanović was born and raised in Pale, East Sarajevo, BiH, where he completed his primary and high school education. In 2019, he graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of East Sarajevo with an average grade of 9.64. During his studies, he undertook professional internships in law offices and the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He was repeatedly elected as the student of the year and was actively involved in the governance of both the Faculty of Law and the University as a student representative. After his studies, he completed an internship in the private sector, gaining knowledge in business operations, public procurement, commercial law, and construction law. In 2020, he enrolled in postgraduate master's studies at the Faculty of Law in Maribor and graduated with a thesis titled "Press publishers Right" with an average grade of 9.16. Following his master's degree, he was accredited with the title of assistant at the Faculty of Law in Maribor. He is currently employed as a researcher on several projects at the IECG Institute in Maribor and additionally at the Faculty of Law in Maribor. He is the author of different scientific articles and contributions in the field of intellectual property, digital technologies and law, as well as sustainable reporting and commercial law.


Implementing CSR Concepts in the Slovenian Aluminium Industry: A Case Study
Nikola Jovanović, Gal Pastirk, Andreja Primec. © 2024. 33 pages.
This chapter examines the integration of corporate social responsibility (CSR) concepts in the Slovenian aluminium industry and their substantial influence on this sector. The...