Murat Artsın

Murat Artsın is currently working at Bilecik Seyh Edebali University's Center for Open and Distance Learning Applications and Research. Artsın completed his undergraduate education in the Department of Computer and Instructional Technologies at Sakarya University in 2016. He completed his master's degree at Anadolu University's Department of Distance Education in 2018. Artsın is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in the Department of Computer and Instructional Technologies at Gazi University. He is experienced in designing distance education courses, developing educational materials, and infrastructure services in higher education. He has a keen interest in open and distance learning and educational technology.


Innovative Technologies to Trigger Creative Thinking in Micro-Lessons
Zehra Lüy, Funda Bakirci, Murat Artsın, Serçin Karataş, Ebru Kılıç Çakmak. © 2024. 23 pages.
Micro-lessons increasingly integrate diverse technologies to foster creative thinking skills, aided by AI and emerging tools, regardless of age or education level. Owing to the...