Mohammed Nuru Mohammed

Mohammed Nuru Mohammed is a Senior Lecturer of the Information Technology Department, College of Computing at the Debre Birhan University (DBU). Mohammed has a strong portfolio in research, teaching, student advising and research-project management in the field of Information Technology. He has also certified in Block chain Developer, Cloud Application Developer and CISCO CCNA Instructor trainer. He has also published more than five peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals, and conference proceedings. Mohammed has been granted the role of Team Member for the project EDU-ABCM (101082957) in the organization Debre Birhan University (DBU). He received awards in recognition of his research and teaching-learning process from DBU (2014). His research interest areas are Artificial Intelligence and Digital Privacy. In addition to the main roles of teaching-learning process, he prepared and managed research-project training to write successful grant proposals in partnership with other scholars and researchers. Mohammed was awarded a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (2012) from Hawassa University and Master of Science in Information Technology (2016) from Jimma University, Ethiopia. From Feb 2016 – December 2018 he worked as a Course Coordinator of Information Technology, at Debre Berhan University. From Dec. 2018- Sep 20, 2022, he worked as Associate Dean for Research and Community Service at College of Computing, Debre Birhan University. From Feb 20, 2022- Dec 2023, he has been working as System Administrator. From Jan 2024- present, he has been working as a Research Extension Officer of the DBU’s Vice President for Research and Community Services and Technology Transfer Office.


Applying Geospatial Data to Choose the Optimal Route During the Road Design Stage
Ehyaudin Musema Ahmed, Mohammed Nuru Mohammed, Mohammad Gouse Galety. © 2024. 65 pages.
This chapter addresses the challenge of road route selection by employing a systematic geospatial data integration approach during the design phase. The methodology revolves...