Applying Geospatial Data to Choose the Optimal Route During the Road Design Stage

Applying Geospatial Data to Choose the Optimal Route During the Road Design Stage

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 65
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1754-9.ch008
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This chapter addresses the challenge of road route selection by employing a systematic geospatial data integration approach during the design phase. The methodology revolves around the acquisition and analysis of datasets, such as satellite imagery, DEMs, GIS, and other important data sets. Leveraging Python programming, the chapter endeavors to develop a tailored geospatial framework for optimizing road route selection, with a focus on evaluating socio-economic, engineering and environmental impacts and aligning with sustainability objectives. Resulting in a robust methodology determining optimal alignments based on terrain, environmental, and socioeconomic factors using MCA. The chapter extend to providing data-driven recommendations for the development of resilient infrastructure, ensuring that road design aligns with sustainability principles to foster economic prosperity, environmental conservation, and societal well-being a paradigm shift in road expansion strategies.
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Governments, carriers, and operators worldwide are looking for opportunities to invest in improving transportation infrastructure, including railway tracks, roads, and highways. It is becoming increasingly difficult to locate adequate routes for new transportation infrastructure for a variety of reasons, including continued urban development, greater public awareness of potential social and environmental consequences, and, most importantly, rising cost pressures (Tischler, 2017).

Route options are delineated as approximate alignments situated within the route corridor, serving as a basis for comparative analysis to ascertain the optimal route. It is imperative that the ‘footprint’ of each route option is meticulously defined to facilitate a comprehensive assessment of its feasibility, encompassing engineering, social, and environmental aspects, along with preliminary cost estimation. This evaluation should be conducted in consideration of topographical and geometric constraints. Additionally, beyond the incorporation of intermediate towns and nodal points, control points may arise due to geographical factors, such as a significant river crossing point or a col designated as a mountain pass.

Ethiopia, a nation of diverse landscapes and rapid urbanization, faces a critical challenge in developing and maintaining an efficient road infrastructure network. Road infrastructure is crucial for fostering economic growth, improving connectivity, and enhancing the overall quality of life for its citizens. However, Ethiopia's unique geographical diversity, characterized by the Ethiopian Highlands, lowland plains, and varying climatic conditions, presents complex challenges for road planning and design. This background section provides a comprehensive overview of the context, challenges, and opportunities in Ethiopian road infrastructure planning, drawing from a selection of pertinent literature.

Challenges in Ethiopian Road Infrastructure Planning

The geographical diversity of Ethiopia necessitates adaptive and innovative road infrastructure planning. The rugged Ethiopian Highlands are marked by steep slopes and challenging terrain, demanding careful route selection and engineering solutions to minimize construction costs and environmental impact. Conversely, the lowland plains and valleys pose different challenges, such as flooding and soil instability, that require specialized planning and design considerations (Teshome & Beyene, 2017). Rapid urbanization compounds these challenges, increasing the demand for efficient road networks to connect growing cities and support economic activities (Yitayew, 2020).

Objectives of Road Design and Route Selection

After choosing the best initial route (Corridor), minor tweaks are allowed for engineering/environmental reasons.

Decision-makers typically explore at least 3 options for connecting start and end points, meeting design standards. Upgrading existing routes might not need 3 options, but considering alternatives is still recommended.

Feasibility of each route option is checked using maps, desk studies, and potentially satellite imagery. In some cases, on-site surveys might be needed for final confirmation.

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