Mohamed Saleem Haja Nazmudeen

Mohamed Saleem is a Senior Assistant Professor at the UTB School of Business. He has 23 years of experience in teaching and research in the field of Information Technology, especially in Data Science for Business and Analytics. Currently, he has been teaching undergraduates and postgraduates in Business Intelligence and Analytics and also supervising postgraduate students in the area of analytics. He has also conducted various executive training programs for middle and senior management officers in the area of Business Analytics. His research interests are in the area of HR Analytics, Smart Cities, the Internet of Things, Preventive maintenance of industrial equipment using machine learning and IR 4.0 adoption and its impact on SMEs.


Identifying the Different Categories of IR4.0 Technology Usage Clusters Amongst Brunei Darussalam's MSMEs Using K-Means Approach
Izzati Zaidi, Mohamed Saleem Haja Nazmudeen, Fadzliwati Mohiddin. © 2023. 12 pages.
Technologies for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) are widespread due to their significant advantages for various industries, including productivity performance...
Human-Centered Design to Enhance the Usability, Human Factors, and User Experience Within Digital Destructive Ecosystems
Heru Susanto, Fahmi Ibrahim, Saleem Haja Nazmudeen, Fadzliwati Mohiddin, Desi Setiana. © 2021. 19 pages.
Human-centered design is an approach that focuses on involving the end user throughout the product development and testing process which can be crucial in ensuring that the...
Augmented Reality Towards an Informative Educational Environment: Digitalizing Interactive Learning
Saleem Nazamudeen, Muhammad Ridhauddin, Heru Susanto, Fadzliwati Mohiddin. © 2021. 27 pages.
There were interesting subjects and future connections between the education sectors and popular views and perceptions of the public for decades between the literature types of...