Manasi Vyankatesh Ghamande

|Manasi Vyankatesh Ghamande - Contributing Author|Assistant Professor Department of Engineering and Applied Science, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, VIIT College, Maharashtra Pune -411048


Implementing Outcome-Based Education for NBA Accreditation in India: College-Based Education
Urmila Yadav, Deepti Pargai, Ranjeeta Saini, Manasi Vyankatesh Ghamande, M. Mohanasundari. © 2024. 24 pages.
The relationship between the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) procedure in India and the principles of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is examined in this chapter. It...
NBA Implementation Across Engineering Disciplines for Driving Social Changes in India
M. Karthikeyan, J. K. Navis Vigilia, Silvia Leera Sequeira, P. Vidhya Priya, Manasi Vyankatesh Ghamande, S. Boopathi. © 2024. 26 pages.
An essential component of engineering education is national board accreditation, which guarantees the caliber and applicability of curricula. It results in better curriculum that...