Liudmyla Ilich

Liudmyla Ilich is a Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Мentor, Сoach, Emotional intelligence analyst. In 2001 graduated from the State Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, Kiev. Specialty: Economist. In 2006 she defended her PhD thesis 'The Labor Potential of Ukraine and Efficiency of Its Using' specialty 08.09.01 – 'Demography, Labor Economics, Social and Economic Policy'. In 2018 she defended her doctoral thesis 'Structural changes in the transitional labor market: theory and methodology of regulation' specialty 08.09.01 – 'Demography, Labor Economics, Social and Economic Policy'. The overall research and teaching experience – 19 years. Author of more than 100 scientific and methodical publications, including monographs: 'The Formation and Realization of Labor Potential of Ukraine in a Demographic Crisis', 'Reproduction of Labor Potential and Effectiveness of Its Using in Ukraine', collective monograph 'Strategy of Socio-Economic Development: State, Society, Person', 'The New Format of Strategy and Tactic of Social and Economic Development of Ukraine: People, Community, Nation', 'The Way to Leadership - European Choice of Ukraine', 'Joint Stock Model of the Economy of Ukraine', 'Corporate Capitalism: Prerequisites of Formation', 'Socio and Economic Paradigms of Modern Humanism', 'Intellectualization of Human Capital', 'Labor Market and Education: Searching the Interaction', 'Ukrainian Labor Market: Characteristics of and Efficiency of Functioning', 'Socio-economic reforms of the national economy recovery: the experience of Ukraine', ' Structural risks and systemic dynamics of socio-economic development of the national economy: the european vector' and others. She is co-author of the textbook 'Labor Economics and Labor Relations'. During her research activities she participated in 70 international scientific conferences and congresses. Scientific interests: Problems of labour and educational markets, methodological and practical aspects of social monitoring, forecasting skills and labour market needs, supervising of educational quality.She completed an internship in Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Turkey, where she learned about the specifics of the organisation and regulation of the educational systems of the EU countries, tools for implementing the European Qualifications Framework, the possibilities of using a project approach in the management of educational processes, as well as other innovative technologies used in higher education within the Bologna Process. Academic coordinator of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module “Peace education for consolidated and human-centred Europe” (01.10.2022 to 30.09.2025. 101094420 - PeaECH - ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH-UA-IBA). Researcher and trainer in the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module “European Digital Governance Expertise Brought to Ukraine: tools and effects” (01.10.2023 to 30.09.2026. 101127007- e- DEBUT- ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH-UA-IBA).


Developing Peacemaking Soft Skills of Managers as a Method of Preventing Professional Burnout and Restoring Work-Life Balance: A Ukrainian Case Study
Liudmyla Ilich, Olena Akilina. © 2024. 26 pages.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of military threats on the professional burnout of employees in the organizations that have survived the COVID-19 pandemic...
Prospects for the Implementation of Practice-Based Learning for Students of Managerial Profile
Liudmyla Ilich, Igor Yakovenko, Olena Akilina, Alla Panchenko, Marzena Sobczak-Michalowska. © 2024. 16 pages.
The purpose of the study is to highlight the theoretical and practical aspects of implementing practice-oriented training of management students and to develop a descriptive...