Developing Peacemaking Soft Skills of Managers as a Method of Preventing Professional Burnout and Restoring Work-Life Balance: A Ukrainian Case Study

Developing Peacemaking Soft Skills of Managers as a Method of Preventing Professional Burnout and Restoring Work-Life Balance: A Ukrainian Case Study

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1886-7.ch008
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of military threats on the professional burnout of employees in the organizations that have survived the COVID-19 pandemic and currently are in conditions of uncertainty and rapid digitalization, as well as to make recommendations for developing managers' skills to prevent burnout. The study uses a set of methods of scientific knowledge used in the humanities and social sciences, in particular the method of analysis, the method of synthesis, the method of deduction, the survey diagnostic method, the method of experimental research, which includes the development and testing of e-learning course modules and the method of generalization. All participants were surveyed using Google Forms, and students were tested in the Moodle system. Prior to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the problem of professional burnout among employees in local organizations was rather common, but it intensified during the quarantine restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Research Model/Design (Qualitative, Quantitative, or Mixed Methods)

The study uses a set of methods of scientific knowledge used in the humanities and social sciences, in particular:

  • − the method of analysis, which allowed to identify the main structural components of the research object and their interrelationships;

  • − the method of synthesis, which made possible to shape a general picture of the research object and its functioning;

  • − the method of deduction, which enabled to test hypotheses about the research object;

  • − the survey diagnostics method, which helped obtain data on the attitude of the research participants to a certain phenomenon;

  • − the method of experimental research, which included the development and testing of e-learning course content modules, during which data on their effectiveness were collected. These data were obtained using various methods, such as surveys, testing, and tracking student performances;

  • − the method of generalization, which assisted in shaping general conclusions of the study.

The survey of all participants was conducted using Google Forms, which enabled to automate the data processing. Students were tested in the Moodle system. These tools greatly accelerated the processing of the results and emphasize the feasibility of their application.

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