Lingala Thirupathi

Lingala Thirupathi , B.Tech, M.Tech, has16+ years of experience in Teaching and Industry, worked as a Consultant for TechMahindra and HTC. He Qualified in Telangana State Eligibility Test and awarded GOLD MEDAL for securing highest percentage in M.Tech academics. He achieved All India Rank-611 in GATE and he has done Oracle Certification and certified Cisco Instructor from the CISCO Networking Academy. His area of research includes Computer Networks, Network Security, IOT, ML &AI. He made an effort to accommodate all forms of literature, analytical examples which shall benefit the reader to understand the topic better and to contribute significant innovation in the near future to have better sustainable global energy.


Challenges and Innovations in the Creation of Digital Twins in Healthcare
Lingala Thirupathi, Ettireddy SrihaReddy, J. V. P. Udaya Deepika. © 2024. 17 pages.
The emergence of digital twin technology in healthcare introduces a spectrum of challenges and innovations reshaping patient-centered care. To conquer this hurdle, innovations in...
Personalization and Customization Strategies With AI in Service Marketing
Lingala Thirupathi, Sri Harsha Sunkara, Ivana Ruth Boodala, Vijay Surya Vempati. © 2024. 26 pages.
Customer engagement and happiness in service marketing have been transformed by AI-powered personalisation and customisation. AI systems provide highly personalised experiences...