Larysa Semenko

Larysa Semenko is a Doctor of Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Agrochemistry and Product Quality named after O.I. Dusychkina of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine. Dissertation topic “Agrochemical evaluation of the use of fertilizers for the cultivation of early white cabbage on the dark gray podsolized soil of the Right Bank of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine” (2009). Author of 35 scientific articles. Training courses: Agrochemistry, Fertigation and irrigation, Agrochemical service in fruit and vegetable growing, logistics of cultivation and sale of plant products.


Estimating the Cost of Drained Lands by Using Them in Variable Conditions
Nadiia Frolenkova, Ruslan Tykhenko, Larysa Semenko, Olha Tykhenko. © 2023. 13 pages.
The article is devoted to a topical scientific problem in modern conditions – valuation of land in Ukraine. A methodology for determining the market value of reclaimed land based...