Kainat Akhtar Usmani

Kainat Akhtar Usmani is working as Assistant Professor in Department of Commerce and Business Management at Integral University, Lucknow, India. Her area of specialization is Human Resource. She has completed her Ph. D. in Management. She has One book and many papers to her credit. She has attended several Conferences, Seminar & FDPs at reputed institutions. She has total of over 13 year of experience in corporate, research and academic sector. She has been guiding students of BBA & MBA for project reports and dissertations from past three years.


Cyber Threat Migration: Perpetuating in the Healthcare Sector and Agriculture and Food Industries
Minhaj Akhtar Usmani, Kainat Akhtar Usmani, Adil Kaleem, Mohammad Samiuddin. © 2023. 24 pages.
‘Globalization,' ‘industrialization,' ‘cyber connectivity,' ‘digitalization,' and ‘e-commerce' are not fantasy words in today's era. They all amalgamated...