Cyber Threat Migration: Perpetuating in the Healthcare Sector and Agriculture and Food Industries

Cyber Threat Migration: Perpetuating in the Healthcare Sector and Agriculture and Food Industries

Minhaj Akhtar Usmani, Kainat Akhtar Usmani, Adil Kaleem, Mohammad Samiuddin
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8133-2.ch004
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‘Globalization,' ‘industrialization,' ‘cyber connectivity,' ‘digitalization,' and ‘e-commerce' are not fantasy words in today's era. They all amalgamated towards the growth and development of every sector in the country. But as on other side of the coin, cyber security is on the verge of serious threats in digital world. The danger posed by cyber security threats in today's world cannot be understated. The health sector, agriculture, and food and beverage industries are no exemptions. As they all are inter-related, they manage an array of assets, including infrastructure, applications, managed and unmanaged endpoints, mobile devices, and cloud services, all of which can be attacked. Information and cyber security are trending topics. As the security risk is scooping high, different organizations should take steps forward to protect themselves. This chapter focuses on the frightening hikes in incidences of cyber-attacks, and also focuses on major cyber security approaches to minimize the risk of cyber breaches and making these industries flourish like never before.
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Basic Terms And Definitions

Before analyzing deep into the facts and findings related to cyber threats and cyber security it is mandatory to get acquainted with some basic terminology and definitions associated to them.

Cyber Security

Computer security, cyber security, or information technology security (IT security) is the protection of computer systems and networks from attack by malicious actors that may result in unauthorized information disclosure, theft of, or damage to hardware, software, or data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide. (Schatz et al., 2017)

Security is of especially high importance for systems that govern large-scale systems with far-reaching physical effects, such as power distribution, elections, and finance. (Kianpour et al., 2021) (Stevens, 2018)

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