Jimbo Henri Claver

Jimbo H. Claver (Professor, PhD Supervisor, HoD, and JSPS Fellow) received in 2000 the Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics and Statistics from the Moscow State University named Lomonosov and he did the post-doctorate studies with the Institute of Statistical Mathematics in Tokyo, Japan. Currently, he is Full-Professor and Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics with the Samarkand International University of Technology (SIUT). His previous positions include: Head of the Department of Mathematics with the American International University (Kuwait), Professor of Applied Mathematics with the American University of Afghanistan, Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics with the Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara (Japan), Visiting Professor of Applied Mathematics with Waseda University (Japan), Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics with Lakeland College, Tokyo (Japan), Senior Lecturer with the University of York (United Kingdom), Lecturer with Sino British College-Shanghai Institute of Science and Technology (China), visiting research fellow with Swiss Banking Institute (Zurich) and visiting fellow Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). His research focuses on system modelling, predictive analysis, system control, stochastic processes, applied probability, applied statistics, data analysis, quantitative finance, and actuary. In addition, he serves as editor and reviewer of several international journals, he is member of the International Mathematical Union (IMU), Japan Mathematical Society (JMS), Japan Statistical Society (JSS) and Moscow Mathematical Society (MMS). He has published four books and numerous scientific papers in pure, applied mathematics, applied statistics, quantitative finance, quantitative risk management and data analysis in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. Also, he supervised countless number of MSc, PhD, and MBA students. JSPS: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.


Data Analytics and AI for Quantitative Risk Assessment and Financial Computation
Mohammad Gouse Galety, Jimbo H. Claver, A. V. Sriharsha, Narasimha Rao Vajjhala, Arul Kumar Natarajan. © 2025. 330 pages.
In today's fast-paced financial landscape, professionals face an uphill battle in effectively integrating data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) into quantitative...
Impacts of Climate Changes on Traffic Flows Using Geospatial Data Analysis: Shifting the Traffic Flow to the Next Level
Jimbo Henri Claver, Nagueu Djambong Lionel Perin, Bouetou Thomas, Tchoua Paul. © 2024. 16 pages.
This chapter explores the complex interplay between climate change and the accuracy of traffic flow predictions, focusing on the crucial use of geospatial data analysis. The...
Deep Learning Approach to Estimate the Maize Yield Prediction Using Data From Cameroon: Shifting the Maize Yield Production to the Next Level
Jimbo Henri Claver, Nagueu Djambong Lionel Perin, Bouetou Thomas, Tchoua Paul. © 2024. 13 pages.
Corn cultivation plays a crucial role in the Cameroon's food production, providing an important source of food and income for many farmers. However, climatic variability and...