Deep Learning Approach to Estimate the Maize Yield Prediction Using Data From Cameroon: Shifting the Maize Yield Production to the Next Level

Deep Learning Approach to Estimate the Maize Yield Prediction Using Data From Cameroon: Shifting the Maize Yield Production to the Next Level

Jimbo Henri Claver, Nagueu Djambong Lionel Perin, Bouetou Thomas, Tchoua Paul
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1754-9.ch011
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Corn cultivation plays a crucial role in the Cameroon's food production, providing an important source of food and income for many farmers. However, climatic variability and unstable agricultural conditions can have a significant impact on the yield of agricultural products in general and that of maize in particular; accurately predicting these yields in different regions of Cameroon remains a difficult process due to the uncertain evolution of climatic data.. This is where deep learning comes in, a powerful approach to analyzing large amounts of data and generating predictive models. This study aims to estimate maize yield forecasts in Cameroon using geospatial climate data parameters such as temperature, precipitation, wind speed and sun exposure as well as agricultural data. The study results, based on performance evaluations of o GRU model, have 24751 in 200 epochs for GRU, a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 237%, and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 518 for GRU, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the deep learning approach in predicting corn yield.
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State Of Art

In this era, many technologies are capable of predicting the climate in agriculture, one of which is machine learning technology (Aravind et al., 2022). Machine learning technology is one of the automatic lessons intended to enable a machine to have the ability to predict, analyze, and recognize a pattern (Ying et al., 2019). Machine learning has many methods, such as K-means, recurrent neural networks, and artificial neural networks (Jiahuan et al., 2022). Several previous studies have examined the machine learning technology used to predict climate in the agricultural sector. Using recurrent neural network methods, deep learning has been used to predict climate and estimate agricultural products based on Koppen classification. The parameters are precipitation, temperature, sun exposure, farming, and soil management (Novia et al., 2021). Previous research has also studied Machine learning methods for crop yield and climate forecasting with an assessment of the impact of change in agriculture with parameters temperature, precipitation, humidity, and wind speed and with the neural networks semi-parametric as the method used (Andrew et al., 2018).

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