Gamze Sart

Gamze Sart was awarded the PhD degree in the field of Educational Sciences in Bogazici University in 2013. She worked as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education, Yeditepe University in 2013 and Hasan Ali Yucel Faculty of Education, Istanbul University during the period 2014-2018 and as an Associate Professor in the Hasan Ali Yucel Faculty of Education, Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, since 2018. Her main research areas: Educational Studies, Higher Education Policies, Higher Education Management, Lifelong Learning, Sustainable Development.


Socio-Economic Implications of Global Educational Inequalities
Gamze Sart, Pınar Tokal, Nursel Aydıntuğ Myrvang. © 2024. 314 pages.
As societies strive for progress, the need to ensure equal access to education for all, irrespective of socioeconomic, ethnic, or gender backgrounds, emerges as a pivotal factor....
Inclusion and Equal Opportunity in Higher Education From the Sustainability Perspective
Gamze Sart. © 2024. 23 pages.
The principle of equal opportunities in education aims to eliminate the social and economic privileges that young people face in acquiring their social status and roles. In this...
Social Reflections of Human-Computer Interaction in Education, Management, and Economics
Gamze Sart. © 2024. 319 pages.
In today's increasingly digital world, the interaction between humans and computers has become a fundamental aspect of our daily lives, affecting how we learn, work, and...
Considerations on Education for Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability
Gamze Sart. © 2023. 528 pages.
Considerable increases in economic growth and development, population, and urbanization have been experienced in the world as of the industrial revolution, but significant...
The Impact of Knowledge Management on Organizational Learning in Universities
Gamze Sart. © 2023. 15 pages.
In today's information and technology-driven markets, knowledge has an important role to play in gaining and maintaining competitive advantage and improving organizational...
Assessment of University Students' Industry 4.0 Conceptual Awareness Levels
Gamze Sart. © 2023. 11 pages.
The results of the intensive digital transformation in the world are manifest in all industries. Developments within the scope of Industry 4.0 in educational organizations change...
Quality Education and Life Expectancy: Evidence From the BRICS Countries
Gamze Sart. © 2023. 11 pages.
Life expectancy is accepted as an important indicator of public health and well-being of economies. Therefore, life expectancy can be accepted as a result of all economic...
Education and Health Expenditures: Evidence From the New EU Member States
Gamze Sart. © 2023. 11 pages.
Education and health expenditures can affect the economic growth and development through various channels. Therefore, determinants of education and health expenditures are...
Sustainable Campus Design in Universities
Gamze Sart. © 2023. 15 pages.
In response to growing social concern about environmental degradation and intensifying calls for a transition to a more sustainable society, universities have begun to change...
Digitalism and Jobs of the Future
Gamze Sart, Orkun Yildiz. © 2022. 20 pages.
There has been a strong relationship between digitalism and the future of jobs. Reports by OECD and WEF examined the jobs in the coming decades, and the findings show that there...
The Effects of University-Industry Collaboration in R&D on the Global Competitiveness of the Countries
Gamze Sart, Okşan Kibritci Artar. © 2021. 18 pages.
Today, countries as well as companies face high competition conditions at the global level. In order to increase the level of competition for both firms and countries, it is...