Felipe Rodolfo Debasa Navalpotro

Felipe Rodolfo Debasa NavalpotroFelipe Debasa Navalpotro is a professor of Contemporary History and Current World at the Rey Juan Carlos University. Director of the official Master in the European Union and China. Secretary of the Area of Contemporary History framed in the Department of Humanities. Among his lines of research are technology, the IV Industrial Revolution and transhumanism. Author of various publications in the field of digital humanities in which he implements technological processes from other disciplines in history and in legal and social sciences.


The Russian-Ukrainian War With Historical Approximation: From Colonial Wars to Digital Spaces
Felipe Rodolfo Debasa Navalpotro, Yuliia Andriichenko, Nataliia Popova, Iryna Sytdykova. © 2023. 15 pages.
This chapter raises the problems of colonial wars in the modern world. According to the generally accepted point of view, the elimination of the colonial system had been...
The Desings of Propaganda and Marketing and Their Impact on the Digital Revolution of the Current World
Felipe Rodolfo Debasa Navalpotro, José Manuel Azcona Pastor. © 2023. 21 pages.
This work confirms that modern marketing is born by the conditions generated by the economic and industrial model of the United States and Western Europe after World War II....
Handbook of Research on Artificial Intelligence in Government Practices and Processes
Jose Ramon Saura, Felipe Debasa. © 2022. 410 pages.
In today’s global culture where the internet has established itself as a main tool of communication, the global system of economy and regulations, as well as data and decisions...
Algorithms, Social Rejection, and Public Administrations in the Current World
Felipe Debasa. © 2022. 21 pages.
In 2016 the term 4th Industrial Revolution was coined to define a new era in history based on commercial and industrial activity connected through the internet. Connections to...
Ukrainian Social Realities and Emotivities in the Political Speeches of Yuliia Tymoshenko: A Data-Based Approach
Felipe Debasa, Yuliia Andriichenko, Nataliia Popova. © 2022. 20 pages.
Ukraine is a European state situated in the middle of the spheres of power and influence of the European Union and Russia. After the fall of the Soviet Union communist regime...
A Better Understanding of Big Data and Marketing Analytics: A Review
Francisco J. S. Lacárcel, Leticia Polanco-Diges, Felipe Debasa. © 2021. 15 pages.
Data mining and analysis is consolidating as a crucial practice in economic, educational, social, and business sectors. In this context, this study aims to identify and...