The Desings of Propaganda and Marketing and Their Impact on the Digital Revolution of the Current World

The Desings of Propaganda and Marketing and Their Impact on the Digital Revolution of the Current World

Felipe Rodolfo Debasa Navalpotro, José Manuel Azcona Pastor
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6454-0.ch011
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This work confirms that modern marketing is born by the conditions generated by the economic and industrial model of the United States and Western Europe after World War II. Placing the consumer at the center of the process with freedom of choice, ending the consumption models of industrial societies, and prioritizing exclusivity. It did not develop in Soviet planned economy environments, because they did not generate the necessary conditions. Digital society develops in parallel to this process. It happens thanks to two events: the translation of information into binary language and the digital storage of it.
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The object of this work is to identify from the discipline of Present Time (García,2003: 9) or Current World (Fernando García, Jose M. Lorenzo, 1996) the elements that allow the development of modern marketing. Analyzing the reasons why this discipline evolves mainly in the United States and in the European environment and not in the Soviet or communist block existing in the 20th century. Likewise, we analyze the creation of digital societies as a scenario for the development of digital marketing. To carry out this work we have carried out an interdisciplinary bibliographic analysis comparing the results extracted from the scientific articles selected from three different disciplines: economics, marketing and history of the Current World. We have also used a series of semi-structured interviews carried out twenty years ago and which have remained unpublished until this study (Palos-Sanchez et al., 2019).

The work begins by making a difference with a historical perspective of the concepts of propaganda, modern marketing, and digital marketing. For this we have used works from the beginning of the 20th century. Having carried out this analysis, we have compared the economic and political models of the second half of the 20th century from the perspective of general marketing. For this we have identified the necessary characteristics in the economic models that allow the creation of modern marketing. This exercise has helped us to draw historical conclusions that we have found thanks to an interdisciplinary analysis. The economic scenario runs parallel to the process of building a digital society for which we have identified two important pillars: the language of communication and the transcendence or overcoming of the physical and tangible support of information (Ribeiro-Navarrete et al., 2021).

Regarding language, we show how little has been done about the issue that all digital information is translated into binary code, that is, zeros and ones, which are the positions of the old valves of the first computing machines; that is, on or off. The binary language receives in Spanish the name of “sistema diádico” (dyadic system) due to the relationship of the term with “díada” or “diádico” whose definition says that they are two closely related beings or things. In English we find the term dyadic, but it is not used in history for the referred topic, as much as in Spanish (Saura et al., 2021).

To describe the action of massively translating information into a binary code, we think it is necessary to use a specific term and the authors propose, from the history of the Current World, to use the word “binaring”. It is a descriptive and even metaphysical concept of great help and utility to understand from history the process of establishing the digital society (Saura et al., 2021a). This situation will continue until quantum computing becomes widespread, which will transcend or surpass the current “binaring” (Saura et al., 2023). On the other hand, the authors maintain that the historical foundations of this process can be found in the European watchmaking industry during the scientific revolution when some ingenious watchmakers dedicated part of their time to the manufacture of programmable automata. The “binaring” is the gateway to digitization, since without a language capable of being understood by computing machines, the digitization of society would never have started. This system will remain in use until the generalization of quantum computing.

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