Farzaneh Dehghan

Farzaneh Dehghan has got her BA, MA and PhD in TEFL from Shiraz University. She has taught at many universities and is the faculty member of Amirkabir University of Technology since 2017. Her areas of interest are L2 academic literacy, teacher education, technology-enhanced language learning (TELL), computer-assisted language learning (CALL), discourse and content analysis and historical linguistics.


Demystifying the Unknown: ChatGPT and Foreign Language Classrooms in the Voices of EFL Teachers
Farzaneh Dehghan. © 2024. 21 pages.
Since its introduction, artificial intelligence (AI) has had inevitable effects on education including foreign language learning. ChatGPT, as the most advanced form of AI, has...
The Use of AI by EFL Teachers to Address Individual Differences: A Case Study
Farzaneh Dehghan. © 2024. 14 pages.
With the development of the advanced forms of artificial intelligence (AI) such as intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs), ChatGPT, and large language models (LLMs), education...
Applying the English Language Needs of Students of Computer Engineering: Developing an Online Technical English Course
Farzaneh Dehghan. © 2023. 12 pages.
Learners' engagement is one of the important challenges of online classes. This case study aims to examine using a needs-based syllabus as a way to solve the engagement...
How Can Social Media Affect EFL Teachers' Digital Well-Being and Digital Burnout?
Farzaneh Dehghan. © 2023. 20 pages.
Digital well-being and digital burnout refer to the positive and negative effects of digital technology use including digital social media on people's mental, physical, and...