E. Sundaravel

Sundaravel E is currently working as a CX Consultant at Oracle. He is also a Doctoral Scholar at Christ University, Bangalore, India. Previously, he pursued postgraduate studies in MBA (Marketing) at Christ University, Bangalore, India. He holds an undergraduate degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Amrita University, Bangalore, India. Before his current roles, he gained experience as a Content Writer at Zoho Corp, Chennai, India and Tata iQ, Bangalore, India.


Adapting Case Study Pedagogy for Non-Residential Business Schools: Strategies for Implementation
N. Elangovan, S. Dilipchandra, Manohar Kapse, E. Sundaravel. © 2024. 28 pages.
Case study pedagogy is widely recognized as a powerful teaching approach in business education programs. However, its implementation in non-residential business schools poses...
Transition From Virtual to Reality in Post-Pandemic Academic Environment: Challenges of Students' Well-Being
N. Elangovan, E. Sundaravel. © 2024. 28 pages.
The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a significant shift in academic settings. Post-pandemic normality prompted a return to traditional face-to-face classrooms from virtual and hybrid...