Blanca Berral-Ortiz

Blanca Berral-Ortiz graduated in Early Childhood Education at the University of Granada with Extraordinary End of Degree Award; Master in Research and Innovation in Curriculum and Training. Predoctoral Research Staff in Training attached to the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the University of Granada (Spain) in the Faculty of Education Sciences. Member of the AREA Research Group (Analysis of Educational Reality) (HUM-672), where he develops as lines of research the educational inclusion and digital competence from the development of literacy. She participates in teaching innovation projects focused on teaching through technology with mobile learning resources to improve learning; Inverted classroom and immersive technological resources (xr) for the development of digital competence in future education professionals (Inmer), among others. ORCID ID: email:


Online Protection Measures to Prevent Sexting Among Minors
José-María Romero-Rodríguez, Blanca Berral-Ortiz, José-Antonio Martínez-Domingo, Juan-José Victoria-Maldonado. © 2024. 19 pages.
This chapter explores sexting among minors in the digital era, focusing on Spain. It delves into sociocultural, technological, and psychological factors contributing to sexting...
Gamification: A Learning Technique for the Dynamization of the Teaching of Social Sciences
Juan-Carlos de la Cruz-Campos, Santiago Pozo-Sánchez, Blanca Berral-Ortiz, Santiago Alonso-García. © 2022. 23 pages.
The search for the optimization of educational processes has led to gamification becoming one of the teaching strategies that has received the most attention in recent years....
Enhancing Teacher Leadership for Collaborative Networks
Blanca Berral-Ortiz, Francisco Javier Hinojo Lucena, Pilar Cáceres Reche, José Antonio Martínez Domingo. © 2022. 12 pages.
Currently, among the new challenges of educational organizations in a technological society, there is a drive towards pedagogical or teacher-centered leadership, which brings...